Garegin Grigoryan
Assistant Professor of Mathematics & Computer Science
- Doctor of Philosophy, Computer Science, Rochester Institute of Technology, 2020
Specialties / Areas of Interest
- Computer Networking, Network Security, Routing, Software-Defined Networking, Programmable data plane, Energy aware routing, Remote Direct Memory Access
Courses Taught
- Computer Science I
- Computer Science I Online
- Computer Science II
- Database Systems
- Computer Networking
- Algorithm Design
Research, Publications, & Presentations
Research & Publications
- Towards Greener Data Centers via Programmable Data Plane G Grigoryan, M Kwon IEEE Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on High-Performance Switching and Routing 2023/6/5
- Study on Network Importance for ML End Application Robustness S Chuprov, L Reznik, G Grigoryan IEEE International Conference on Communications 2023
- Simple Deep Packet Inspection with P4 (Demo) S Gupta, D Gosain, G Grigoryan, M Kwon, HB Acharya IEEE Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP) 2021/11/1
- PFCA: a programmable fib caching architecture G Grigoryan, Y Liu, M Kwon IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 28 (4), 1872-1884 2020/6/25
- iLoad: In-network load balancing with programmable data plane Garegin Grigoryan, Yaoqing Liu, Minseok Kwon ACM Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies 2019/12/9
- Leverage SDN for Cyber‐Security Deception in Internet of Things Yaoqing Liu, Garegin Grigoryan, Charles A Kamhoua, Laurent L Njilla John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Modeling and Design of Secure Internet of Things 2020/7/15
- Enabling cooperative IoT security via software defined networks (SDN) Garegin Grigoryan, Yaoqing Liu, Laurent Njilla, Charles Kamhoua, Kevin Kwiat IEEE 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2018/5/20
- Extending the Control Plane of Container Orchestrators for I/O Virtualization Garegin Grigoryan, Minseok Kwon, M Mustafa Rafique IEEE 2020 2nd International Workshop on Containers and New Orchestration Paradigms for Isolated Environments in HPC 2020/11
- Boosting FIB Caching Performance with Aggregation Garegin Grigoryan, Yaoqing Liu, Minseok Kwon ACM Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing 2020/6/23
- VeriTable: Fast equivalence verification of multiple large forwarding tables Yaoqing Liu, Garegin Grigoryan, Jun Li, Guchuan Sun, Tony Tauber Elsevier Computer Networks 168 2020/2/26
- Container Orchestration by Kubernetes for RDMA Networking Coleman Link, Jesse Saran, Garegin Grigoryan, Minseok Kwon, M Mustafa Rafique, Warren R Carithers IEEE 2019 IEEE 27th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP) 2019/10/8
- Simple Deep Packet Inspection with P4 Sahil Gupta, Devashish Gosain, Garegin Grigoryan, Minseok Kwon, HB Acharya IEEE ICNP 2021/11/1
Affiliations & Memberships
· Reviewer: IEEE Access; IEEE Systems; IEEE OJ-COMS, Elsevier Computer Networks; Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems; IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
· Conference talks: IEEE CCNC, Las Vegas, NV (2025); IEEE HPSR, Albuquerque, NM (2023); IEEE CANOPIE HPC, Online (2020); ACM HPDC, Online (2020); ACM CoNEXT, Orlando, FL (2019); IEEE NCA, Boston, MA (2018); IEEE INFOCOM, Honolulu, HI (2018).
· Patents: Y. Liu and G. Grigoryan, US Patent 11,606,284; US Patent 10,917,338.
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